Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Generic Name:

Brand Name:

Available Forms:
Injection: 5mg/ml
Syrup: 5mg/5ml, 10mg/ml
Tablets: 5mg, 10mg

Dosage, Frequency and Route:
5 to 10mg P.O. or 5 to 20mg IV or IM TID


Stimulates motility of upper GI tract, increases lover esophageal sphincter tone, and blocks dopamine receptors at the chemoreceptor trigger zone.

Side Effects:
Drowsiness, fatigue, fever, anxiety, restlessness, nausea, bowel disorders, diarrhea.

Contraindicated to patient hypersensitivity to drug and in those with seizure disorders.

Contraindicated to patients for whom stimulation of GI motility might be dangerous (those with hemorrhage, obstruction, or perforation).

Nursing Considerations:
• Monitor bowel sounds

• Use diphenhydramine 25mg/IV to counteract extrapyramidal adverse effects from high metoclopramide doses.

• Tell patient to avoid activities that require alertness for 2 hours after doses.

• Urge patient to report persistent or serious adverse reactions promptly

• Advise patient to avoid alcohol ingestion during therapy.

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