Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Generic Name:

Brand Name:

Available Forms:
Injected local anesthetic

Indications and Dosages:
Local anesthetic (episiotomy/episiorraphy)

Dosage, Frequency and Route
Anesthetic, local injectable: Children and Adults: Varies with procedure, degree of anesthesia needed, vascularity of tissue, duration of anesthesia required, and physical condition of patient; maximum: 4.5 mg/kg/dose.


Produces local anesthesia by inhibiting transport of ions across neuronal membranes, thereby preventing initiation and conduction of normal nerve impulses.

Route of Administration
I.M. – intramuscular

Side Effects:
Dizziness, drowsiness, confusion, hypotension, stinging, burning, nervousness

Hypersensitivity to lidocaine.
Advanced AV block

Nursing Considerations:
• Assess degree of numbness of affected part.
• May cause drowsiness and dizziness, advice patient to call for assistance during ambulation and transfer.
• Monitor blood pressure and respiratory status.

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