Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Diclofenac Potassium

Generic Name:
Diclofenac Potassium

Brand Name:

Available Forms:
Tablets: 50mg, 75mg

Indications and Dosages:
Management of inflammatory disorders
Relief mild to moderate pain of dysmenorrheal

Dosage, Frequency and Route
PO (adults): 100mg initially, then 50mg TID.


Inhibits prostaglandin synthesis

Route of Administration
P.O. – by mouth

Side Effects:
Abdominal pain, dyspepsia, heartburn, dizziness, drowsiness

Hypersensitivity to diclofenac or other components of formulation.
Active GI bleeding/ulcer disease.

Nursing Considerations:
• Assess pain and limitation of movement: note type, location and intensity before 30-60 minutes after administration.

• Administration in higher than recommended doses does not provide increased effectiveness but may cause increase side effects.

• Administer after meals, with food or antacid containing aluminum or magnesium to minimize gastric irritation.

• Administer as soon as possible after the onset of menses.

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